In this section you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If in any case you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Who we are?
LACA is established to promote development and education in Chinese acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM), which are parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). LACA run professional undergraduate, postgraduate, advanced specific short courses, CPD, seminars, etc.
Our key lecturers all graduated from TCM universities in China with PhD degrees in Chinese acupuncture or CHM, and moved to the UK more than ten years. Many of us have teaching experience in public universities in the UK. All of us are also practitioners in the UK engaged in TCM full time practice.
Why study with us?
Acupuncture and CHM were originated in ancient China. Many classic texts were written in Chinese, only very small parts of them were translated into English or other languages. Learning Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine with Chinese lecturers and tutors you can get the first hand knowledge, from the oldest classic texts to the latest development in this field. Our key members of the teaching team all have PhD degree from TCM universities in China. Our diploma courses are accredited by Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance (CAHMA). A Diploma graduate from LACA can become a CAHMA member and practice acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the UK. You can have your clinical placement at a central clinic with supervisors and local clinic with mentors. Our theoretical teaching will be mainly online and all of the operational and practical teaching will be classroom teaching.
How can I apply to join a course of LACA?
Please fill in the application form and we will then arrange an online interview for you. After the interview you will be registered with LACA.
Click here to fill in the application form.
What’s the different between acupuncture and Chinese acupuncture?
Chinese acupuncture was based on the basic theory of Traditional Chinese medicine. Diagnosis method, acupoints selection and manipulation all are under the guide of TCM theories. The other acupuncture maybe based on different theories of other countries or western medicine knowledge.
How long does it take to complete the Acupuncture course?
Our acupuncture course is 3 years. Most of teaching is in the weekend. There will be 120 teaching hours and 300 clinic hours each year.
What’s the fee of the Acupuncture course?
The tuition fee of acupuncture course is £3300 per year.
How long does it take to complete the Chinese herbal medicine course?
Our CHM course is 3 years. For applicant already learned acupuncture or other related alternative medicine, the course will be 2 years. Most of teaching is in the weekend. There will be 120 teaching hours and 300 clinic hours each year.
What’s the fee of Chinese Herbal Medicine course?
The tuition fee of CHM course is £3000 per year.
What’s the unique point of your teaching clinic?
LACA’s clinical placements were arranged in few teaching clinic in London includes Harley street clinic. We also can arrange your nearest local clinic with mentor all over the UK. We also can arrange the placement trip to China. You can have chance to learn clinical treatment in the key hospital of China.
Can I join the course without interrupt my current work?
Our class is in the weekend. You can take the course during your current job.
Can I work as an Acupuncturist in the UK after I complete the course?
Yes, after complete the course, you are eligible to join the CAHMA, and register as an acupuncturist in the UK.
Can I work with Herbal Medicine in the UK after I complete the course?
Yes, after complete the course, you are eligible to join the CAHMA, and register as an Chinese herbal medicine practitioner and practice CHM in the UK.
Are the courses accredited and what type of diploma do i get upon completion of the courses?
Yes, the courses are accredited by CAHMA
Diploma of Acupuncture, and Diploma of Chinese herbal medicine.