• London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture (LACA)Participants: Medical doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Physios, Midwifes, etc.
  • Contents: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) foundation, Acupuncture points and channel, acupuncture techniques, acupuncture treatments.
  • Award: Certificate of Acupuncture for Health Professions by LACA.
  • Practice and Insurance: On completion of the course you will be eligible to join the Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance UK (CAHMA) and start to practice acupuncture in the UK with the relevant profession insurance.
  • Duration: One year, two days of class learning per month, online and off-line. Flexible clinical practice.
  • Days /Hours: 20 days blending learning of online and class teaching, 100 hours clinical practice in LACA central clinic and approved mentor’s clinics.
  • Fees: teaching fee £4,000, plus clinical training @ £20 per hour.
  • Contact: Prof. Tianjun Wang, M: (WhatsApp): 07515 695369 E: info@chineseacupuncture.org.uk


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