Scalp Acupuncture (SA) is one of the modern microsystem acupuncture techniques which combine Chinese acupuncture needling methods with western medical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology and particularly the elementary functional neuroanatomy about representative areas of the cerebral cortex.
Scalp Acupuncture was originally invented in China and first published in 1971 as a separately acupuncture technique. It is widely practiced in not only in China but also worldwide. There are several different styles of scalp acupuncture. After 50 years’ practice, scalp acupuncture is still on developing in its locations, techniques, and applications. techniques, and applications.
The main topics will be covered at the workshop:
- Brief introduction of basic theory of scalp acupuncture
- The location and indications of commonly used SA areas
- The manipulations and cautions of SA
- Clinical applications and sample case treatments of SA.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Tianjun Wang
Date / Time: Sunday 3rd April 2022, 10:00 – 17:00
Venue: Central London (to be confirmed)
Course Fee: £180. (Early birds before 4th March: £160) SIGN UP TO THIS COURSE.
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